Mr. Nerino Grassi (rūpnīcas prezident Golden Lady S.p.A., IT), Mrs. Inga Lyashenko (CEO Ltd JLU Technologies, LV), Mr. Ermanno Mino (Textile Consulting Company, IT, Director), Mr. Mauro Zaltieri (rūpnīcas vadītājais Golden Lady S.p.A., IT), 2015, 18th of November, Castiglione, IT Photo: GL.

14-17 September 2015, Kaliningrad, Russian Federation

A new edition of a scientific Sarah Kettley was issued in 2016 (Nottingham Trent University, England, UK), Designing with Smart Textiles, which sums up the world innovation in the field of technical textiles, one of the leading areas is Smart Textiles.).

Interreg Baltic Sea Region
Project: #R040 - TEST-4-SME
Partner JLU Technologies Ltd

Project name: Innovative multifunctional biotextile, integrated with silica dioxide and succinite development, and its impact on Biosystems.

Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes (RTU) zinātniece Inga Ļašenko saņēmuši apbalvojumu konkursā «Latvijas-Amerikas Inovāciju balva 2019».

“You cannot buy your health; you must earn it through healthy living.”

Dr. Joel Fuhrman

SIA “JLU Technologies” (Riga, Latvia) offers for Your kind attention a biotextile product - AMBER CLASSIK it is a recovery-healthy bed linen (set) (Fig.1-3), where innovative composite amber fibers are included in the structure of material, also high quality linen and fine fiber of cotton (combed yarns).

Silta ķermeņa maskēšana, jo īpaši tumsā, kļuvusi ļoti nopietna militāra problēma līdz ar jaunu, robotizētu novērošanas rīku ieviešanu (piemēram, bezpilota lidaparāti, kas aprīkoti ar plaša spektra kamerām, u. c.).

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JLU Technologies Ltd

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