Project name: Laboratory network for testing, characterisation and conformity assessment of electronic products developed by SMEs
Acronym: TEST-4-SME
Leading partner: University of Tartu, Tartu Observatory (TO) (Estonia)
Countries involved: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Germany and Finland
Total budget: 1,775300.00 EUR
Partners from Latvia: Institute of Biology, University of Latvia (UL), Riga Technical University (RTU), JLU Technologies Ltd and Ventspils University College (VUC)
JLU Technologies Ltd budget in the project: 9050.00 EUR
Time of project implementation: 25.05.2017. – 01.01.2021.
Partner of the Project is JLU Technologies Ltd, lieder Inga Lasenko, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The project is aimed: testing services of project partners electronic products in [Competence Centre], providing feedback to [Competence Centre] about their services, participate in pilot SME-s workshop to share experiences and give feedback to improve services of Competence Centres’ labs.
The partnership in the network: TEST-4-SME is made up of 15 partners, 7 of which are research organisations that operate labs capable of carrying out a wide range of testing in 11 categories relevant for electronics SMEs. These labs were selected due to the complementarity of their expertise, so that our network will be able to provide comprehensive testing services needed throughout the product development chain. Furthermore, most services can be provided by more than one lab, that will enable us to distribute customers throughout the network to keep queues and thus wait times shorter. The labs and their testing competencies are:
-Climatic testing: TO, Centria (Centria University of Applied Sciences Ltd);
-EMC testing (Electromagnetic Compatibility): TO, Centria;
-Material and compositional characterization, testing and analysis: RTU;
-Electroconductivity/resistivity of materials: TO, Wismar, RTU, ProTech (Applied Research Institute for Prospective Technologies);
-Manufacturing processes verification: RTU, Centria;
-Characterisation and testing of batteries, solar cells and electrical systems: Wismar (Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences:Technology, Business and Design), RTU, ProTech, Centria;
-Sound and noise characterisation and modelling: RTU;
-Thermal characterisation and testing: TO;
-Mechanical and structural characterisation and testing: TO, RTU, Centria;
-Spectral responsivity of radiometric sensors: TO;
-Calibration, characterization and measurements of optical systems: TO, Wismar, RTU, ProTech;
-Bioelectromagnetic characterisation and testing: LU, JLU Technologies Ltd.
JLU Technologies Ltd provided testing services of electronic products in Competence Centre, provided 3 feedbacks to Competence Centre about their services (30-Nov-18; 16-Sep-19; 17-Feb-20); according to the test results was developed commercial (3 min.) movie. JLU Technologies Ltd participated in pilot SME-s workshop at Tartu Observatory (Tartu, Estonia 09.10.2019.) with presentation, as well to share experiences and gives feedback how to improve services of Competence Centres's labs.