Mr. Nerino Grassi (rūpnīcas prezident Golden Lady S.p.A., IT), Mrs. Inga Lyashenko (CEO Ltd JLU Technologies, LV), Mr. Ermanno Mino (Textile Consulting Company, IT, Director), Mr. Mauro Zaltieri (rūpnīcas vadītājais Golden Lady S.p.A., IT), 2015, 18th of November, Castiglione, IT Photo: GL.

In cooperation with the Latvian Investment and Development Agency and company JLU Technologies Ltd, in the framework of the project "Development of foreign market - external marketing" were the individual visits Inga Lyashenko with president Mr. Nerino Grassi of Golden Lady Company and production Director Mr. Mauro Zaltieri. The meeting were held in: 2015, 27th of July and second 2015, 18th of November, in the town of Castiglione, Italy, to offer cooperate, and to promote amber fibers.

At a meeting SIA "JLU Technologies" and Golden Lady Company discussed export questions from Latvia to Italy. In order to obtain and promotion a new type of complex twisted yarn (polyamide with amber yarns, cashmere and silk yarns with amber fibers) to offer it for design companies in Europe (mainly in Italy, because Italy is a trendsetter of fashion).

Amber material examination of compliance was executed by: AITEX textile research institute, ASOCIACIÓN DE INVESTIGACIÓN DE LA INDUSTRIA TEXTIL, Espana and Golden Lady Company S.p.A IT quality research laboratory.

The assessment compliance of a product, confirmed that the product — material which contain amber particles — meets the requirements of the European target market.

Commercial from the Golden Lady S.p.A company. gives the chance to the potential clients quickly and successfully react, i.e. to interest to possible cooperation of the company who develop finished goods. There is a strong marketing department in the Golden Lady S.p.A company which provides cooperation with potential clients worldwide as well. Golden Lady S.p.A company is the legislator of fashion in Europe, and around the world. Subsidiaries of the company are in America and Serbia. (Golden Lady S.p.A. boasts 12 production sites located in Italy, United States and Serbia, with an overall production of 400 million tights per year, distributed in 70 countries worldwide.

SIA "JLU Technologies" ir noslēdzis 21.12.15. līgumu Nr.L-ĀTA-15-3694 ar Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūru par projekta “Individuālās vizītes uz Milānu un produktu atbilstības novērtēšana” īstenošanu, ko līdzfinansē LIAA.

Projekts Nr. ĀTA/

Read 2064 times Last modified on Понедельник, 29 марта 2021 07:42


JLU Technologies Ltd

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